Future Foods aims to change the way we shop and change the way we see food. It aims to create a whole new experience and relationship with food. It set to promote a healthier lifestyle by introducing healthier and environmentally sustainable alternative. One of the purposes of Future Foods is to inform society the danger of everyday habits and provide a solution that will change the people’s perspective on the food we eat. With the information provided, people will hopefully realise the harm of some of the food we eat to our bodies and also to our planet.

FutureScan is a conceptual app created by Future Foods. The app allows you to scan the food you pick up in the market. With the camera of your smartphone and the latest image recognition technology that recognises shapes and colour, it allows you to access the database of your preferred market and give you more information about the product you have scan. It can also gather sustainability information on the scanned item by allowing the app to use the data gathered from the camera and the database to search on web. When an item is scanned, an augmented reality information and menu will appear in the screen and the user will be able to interact with the graphics in the screen of their smartphones.



Recent studies recognised animal agriculture as a threat to our environment. It is becoming the leading cause of global warming, water depletion, deforestation, and animal extinctions. Growing meat is harming our very own planet. As more people consume meat, the demand increases and we are eating more than ever. This link talks about the possible future f the food we'll eat.